In what may be a cruise ship world first, Celebrity Cruises has taken a virtual delivery of their newest cruise ship Celebrity Apex, Executives accepted official command of Celebrity Apex, the second ship in the line’s highly acclaimed Edge Series, via video conference with officials from Chantiers de l’Atlantique shipyard.
In keeping with tradition, Captain Dimitris Kafetzis ordered the exchange of the French and American flags, while each country’s national anthem played in the background.
“Every delivery is unique just as every ship is unique. While the circumstances are quite unique right now, it’s fitting that such an innovative ship as Celebrity Apex would have a digital-age delivery,” said Lisa Lutoff Perlo, president and CEO, Celebrity Cruises.
“The day is every bit as meaningful because I know the dedication and commitment from the shipyard team, the on board crew and our Celebrity shore side team that went in to bringing this ship to life. Celebrity Apex is a magnificent ship and I am so proud to welcome her into our family.”
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“We had the honor of building the first Edge Series ship, Celebrity Edge, and so many wonderful ships throughout our partnership over the years. Celebrity Apex is exceptional, and we know she will be well-received and enjoyed for many years to come,” stated Laurent Castaing, General Manager, Chantiers de l’Atlantique.
“I look forward to calmer waters when we can welcome guests aboard the newest addition to our beautiful fleet. I have great anticipation for her first sailing out of Barcelona on May 20th,” Lutoff-Perlo added.