So, here we are again with yet another TOP 5.
This time listing them with direct links to our favourite products.
I hope some of these help you out in your planning and packing for your upcoming cruise. All the stuff you need and want in the same post.
1. Luggage Tags
By far the most talked about items on the I like cruise ships facebook page. There seems to be a never-ending post about them even in the various Facebook groups as well. You don’t necessarily Need these, but they sure are neat, and extra strong, especially the first link showing the Carnival Tags.
2. Lanyards
3. Sea Sickness Medication
4. Water Proof Phone Cases
5. Travel Adaptors
In Conclusion
I hope this list helps you out in looking over some of the various items you could use on your next cruise. There are quite a few other pages created on this site you can look at to see other cruise related suggestions.